Fall Instructional League

  • Ages 12-13


Fast-paced, machine pitch games are designed for continuous action. This means more ball in play action, less wear on arms and increase in speed of play. It also allows for fielders to react to live batters to sharpen their defensive skills. Batters will receive hitting instruction from the coaches.

This league is run by former college player and coach, Cody Dennis.

Baseball directors Brian Thacker (Youth) and Brandon Szink (Director of Player Development) will also be on the instruction staff!


Ages: 7th & 8th Grade

Game Location: Dublin Jerome High School

* Spots are limited

Register Here!


Game Dates: Sundays, September 8th-October 20th

Game Times: 9:00a-12:00p

Training Dates: August 20th – October 10th

Training Days/Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:30pm– 7:00pm (Twice per week)

Price: $895 (games and training)

$350 (Games only)